Author Archives: SJUTP Admin

Introduction to SJUT Press

Karibu! Welcome to the home of St. John’s University of Tanzania Press (SJUTP). Please take a look at “About SJUT Press” to learn a little bit about St. John’s University along with the Mission and Vision of its Academic Press and come back soon for information about the scope of SJUTP publishing, its publishing services, author guidelines and more. And for a taste of things to come visit the two current online publications of SJUTP:

Soma: An International Journal of Theological Discourses and Counter-Discourses, which is designed to address issues that have been marginalized or little considered by mainstream theological discourses. Soma has thought-provoking articles from a refreshing mix of internationally-respected theologians and rising scholars from East Africa and other parts of the developing world, including a look at theology and globalization entitled ‘Kingdom’ and Empire: A Biblical Orientation  by Dr. Rowan Williams.

The African Journal for Transformational Scholarship (AJTS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal promoting transformation through the gospel. AJTS focuses on developing biblically-grounded transformational knowledge, reflection and practice, which crosses languages, cultures, social status and disciplines.